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Yan Kiu 周煒蕎 (甄蕎)

29, 171cm

Yan Kiu, a 29-year-old model, excels in yoga and pilates. Having no pageant experience, she hopes to challenge herself by participating in Miss Universe Hong Kong 2024. She believes that it would be a golden opportunity to showcase her grace. She looks forward to meeting new friends, embrace new experiences and grow up together on this incredible journey.

29歲的周煒蕎 (甄蕎)從事模特兒工作,平時熱愛瑜伽和Pilates,喜歡攝影和享受美食。雖然她沒有選美比賽經驗,但她希望透過參加2024年香港環球小姐挑戰自己,而且她相信這將會是一個展示自己才能的絕佳機會,並期待在選美比賽過程中與其他參賽者交流學習,互相激勵,共同成長。

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