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Karen Law 羅堃尉

32, 171cm
Model, TV Host, Actress

With over a decade of experience in modeling, Karen has never stopped chasing her dreams and continues to learn and grow. She earned the 1st runner-up title in the 2011 Style Model Hunt and swept three titles in the 2012 Faceustar College Beauty Pageant, including Champion, the Weibo Popularity Award, and the Outstanding Talent Award. These achievements brought her into the public eye. As a versatile model, Karen has also partnered with prestigious brands such as Swarovski China, Biore, McDonald’s, and Canon. Additionally, she is active in the movie and TV show industries, having appeared in films such as From Vegas to Macau III (2016) and Cold War 2 (2016), continuously expanding her career in entertainment. Now, she is eager to push her boundaries and discover new possibilities by competing in Miss Universe Hong Kong 2024.

羅堃尉從事模特行業已有十多年,從未放棄追逐夢想,不斷學習進步。她曾參加2011年風格模特大賽,並榮獲亞軍,以及2012年Faceustar大專校花校草選舉,斬獲三料冠軍,並因此進入大眾視野,獲得微博人氣大獎及才藝大獎。作為一名多才多藝的模特,她還與Swarovski China、Biore、麥當勞及Canon等知名品牌合作。此外,羅堃尉亦活躍於電影及電視行業,參演過《賭城風雲III》(2016年)和《寒戰2》(2016年),不斷拓展她的演藝事業。現在,她渴望通過參加2024年香港環球小姐比賽,實現自我突破,探索更多可能性。

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